Day Fifteen is here and we are almost halfway through the challenge! I had an interesting occurrence while drinking water on one of the streams. I'm not sure if I dislodged something in my mouth, or if there was something gross in my water, but I thought I slurped something up through my straw.  My reaction tells the tale best,

Just look at how closely I examine the cup of water in my hand! Disgusted at the idea that my cup of water would be anything but clean water. It's fantastic that I caught this on camera, because if we lived elsewhere without the privilege of clean water, we absolutely have disgusting things in our water.

What is an outlier in our normal experience, is an everyday occurence for 663 million individuals.  After I got over the idea that I may have slurped something up, I ran with it, and realized it was a great learning moment for me, and any viewers of this challenge.

If you only had access to gross, infested water, with God-knows-what in it, would you drink the water? Or would you choose to perish from dehydration?  We are so acclimated to comfort and cleanliness, I believe many of us would rather die than face the unknown.

The remainder of Day 15 was rather uneventful, but here are all the livestreams of me consuming liquid for your viewing pleasure,

Cover Photo By unsplash-logoMatthew Kosloski