
My name is Matthew, and I am going to live stream every time I drink anything for 30 days. Water, tea, coffee, beer, wine, soup; If it is liquid, I will livestream myself drinking it on Facebook.  Why would I do such a thing? Keep reading to find out.

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You can make a difference and bring clean water to someone by donating to the #streamforwells campaign. Just $30 provides one person with access to clean water. By giving monthly to charity: water, you can help us solve this problem once and for all.



Like, Share, Comment, Tag, and Participate. Then keep doing it for 30 days. You will save lives.

I am undertaking the #streamforwells challenge to raise awareness and money for charity: water, a non-profit organization that believes we can end the water crisis in our lifetime. Approximately 663 million people, individuals just like you and me, lack access to clean water. The water that they do have access to is often the cause of disease and life-ending illnesses, and may take many hours to retrieve. An estimated 1400 children die every single day due to lack of access to clean water. You can make a difference right now.

Why am I livestreaming myself drinking water? Water is an incredibly convenient luxury that most of us in the developed world take for granted. Day in and day out we use water to drink, cook, bathe, and clean. We never have to think about it. By streaming every time I consume water, I’m hoping to think about the importance of water a little more, and maybe educate a few people along the way. Having to stream video when I am thirsty will be inconvenient, and not always possible. If you choose to follow my challenge for the full 30 days, you may start to get annoyed at how many times a day a notification comes up. These hindrances are the point of this challenge. Imagine how inconvenient and annoying it would be if you had to walk miles everyday, to drink contaminated, infectious, pond water.

I have selected charity: water as the organization to fundraise for, because in addition to spending 100% of every donated dollar on a clean water project, they have a complete transparency model, and operate with the utmost integrity.

There are many ways to be involved and participate, but the number one way I am asking you to help requires very little effort, and no money. 20 years ago, it took one really important person and many resources to get a message out. Today, with social media and technology, it takes a small amount of consideration by a lot of people, and virtually no money, to reach everyone. Please partner with me to bring clean water to more people by committing to do the following,

  • Liking live streams and replays, and the streams of others that partake in the challenge
  • Sharing live streams and replays with your own friends and family
  • Commenting on live streams and replays
  • Tagging friends and family in live streams and replays
  • Use the Hashtag #streamforwells on any platform to start a tending conversation and reach more people that may not be in your network.
  • Participating by taking on your own mini #streamforwells challenge, even for 12 hours, to help further raise awareness, and extend the challenge to your friends and family.
  • Keep Liking, Sharing, Commenting, Tagging, and Participating for 30 days. Persistence matters, and your persistence will help save a life.

You may not have a dollar to give, but if you keep sharing this message, and do so for 30 days, someone in your network will give a dollar, or share with someone else who will give a dollar. So turn on stream notifications, and keep participating, until we all have access to clean drinking water.

Follow the challenge

Keep visiting for daily (or near daily) updates. I'll repost my morning streams, and summarize the ideas and thoughts in a quick post for everyone to stay up to date on the details. For updates directly to your inbox, you can subscribe to the mailing list.