Day Eleven! On today's longer stream I spent a few minutes discussing self-responsibility.  I'm a big fan of self responsibility, and think people should try and do what they can to do the best with what they are given.  It's an honest goal and one that I strive for personally. However, best I can figure, how can someone exhibit decent self-responsibility when a majority of their time is dedicated to fetching water, or if they are constantly battling illness as a result of contaminated water?

In a developed country we have jobs that take up 40 hours a week. The remainder of our waking hours can be spent bettering ourselves, caring for our families, or helping within our communities.  By bringing a village access to clean water, we free up so much time and health, that self-responsibility becomes something that is actually possible. Who knows what kind of potential is unlocked in individuals and communities by allowing them to better care for themselves.

This is yet another reason I've selected clean water as the cause to fundraise for.  I am grateful every day for the opportunities to take care of myself, and my family. Giving someone that ability to better care for themselves, and their family, is right up there with having access to clean drinking water. It's a non-quantifiable benefit to clean water projects, but one that has the potential to pay exponential dividends.

We did something a little bit different Friday evening, live streaming Nicole and I playing a new board game, The Binding of Isaac Four Souls. It's a long stream, but it's probably more interesting than me droning on about water forever.

Coming up on the weekend we have quite a few things planned. But I'll still be here, streaming away!

The rest of day eleven's water drinking adventures,

Cover photo by Anastasia Taioglou