Sorry for the lack of video halfway through, Facebook's servers had some crash and my phone failed to save the video.

Day one is already filled with all sorts of 'fun' challenges and issues. My alarm went off at 5:30am. I laid there for a few minutes, considering how tired I was, but with streams to start and a limited amount of time before work, I rolled out of bed and headed to the bathroom to shower and start my day.

I'm thirsty.

My usual habit is to drink a big glass of water prior to hopping into a hot shower.  I ran my tongue across the dry roof of my mouth and stared at my water cup for a few seconds before bathing. Drinking something would mean live streaming, and while  not opposed to a 20-second early morning stream, I hadn't introduced my challenge yet, and the whole thing would seem a little strange.

Standing in the shower was a whole different kind of awkward. Warm water streaming down my face and body, but make sure none of it gets in my mouth; that would be cheating. Incredibly awkward to be drenched on the inside and dry on the outside, the world is inside out.

I'm thirsty.

Out of the shower and now clothed, I hurried off to get setup for the first livestream. I need water. I need tea. I need my phone. What kind of cups should I drink out of? Should I make two glasses of tea? Where are my notes? Why didn't I set up more of this last night? Make a mental note to prepare things better the night before. I ran up and down the stairs to my office 5 or 6 times before I felt like I had what I needed.  Let's start streaming.

I'm thirsty.

More problems. Write my description for my video, tag everyone I need to in it, and start the stream. I'm recording horizontally but the stream is locked vertically because my phone's orientation lock. Oops. Stop the stream, unlock the phone, retype the description and tag everyone again. Make a mental note to check for screen orientation lock tomorrow before starting. Make a mental note to pre-write my video description the night before.

Start the stream.

Delicious water.

The live stream itself I am pretty happy with. You can watch the replay as part of this post. There were technical issues, but one of my first challenge-ees, Ruth Sonsteng, was online and even joined the stream, while simultaneously accepting my challenge. Facebook underwent some sort of server crash this morning, so the second half of my live video is completely obscured, but the audio is still there.  The half of the video that isn't obscured has the text in mirror image, I didn't fix it until the video was gone. Eyeroll. That's how these things go. First day, first day problems.

While I was on stream I drank a few cups of water, and one and a half mugs of tea. Rewatching the stream I realize I was a tad tired and sad looking for the first half. (It is a sad problem...). Maybe I wasn't comfortable, or maybe I wasn't awake yet. Mental note to force a little more perkiness on stream.  

I droned on, half awake, for 35 minutes, talking about various topics in a somewhat unorganized manner. I got off the stream, and then,

I'm thirsty!

What?! Now, I don't believe I was actually thirsty, but somehow, know that I couldn't take another drink until I turned on my Facebook stream again caused me to feel the sensation of thirst.  As humans, we definitely want what we can't have.  I imagine that this is how 663 million people feel, dismayed when their water is gone. And not because they have to Facebook livestream to bring it back, but because they have to make a multiple mile journey to retrieve their next water, trek the miles back carrying the water, and it's full of parasites and bacteria that makes them sick.  Ugh.

Today, 3 of the 4 individuals I challenged accepted my challenge! My cousin Jon started streaming yesterday evening, and he drinks A LOT of water. I've shared out a couple of his streams on Facebook.

Finally, we went out to pizza tonight for my Sister's birthday. I caught myself taking a drink a couple times and had to move the water far away from me. I drink a lot of water all the time, so it's a hard habit to break. With how busy yesterday was, despite some surprises, I believe this is a challenge I will be able to complete. It's going to take time and effort, but I'll get it done!

The remainder of today's streams if you want to catch up!