As I run around the internet setting up some final things, and writing more copy for this site, I am trying to comprehend and prepare myself for what the next 30 days will be like, trying to live stream everytime I take a drink of anything. As I ponder, I can't help but wonder how often the 660 million people without access to clean water think about where their next water is coming from.  I never have to think about getting something to drink, and when I do it's out of concern for convenience, not my livelihood.

For most of us, water is convenient in the same way air is convenient. Our modern technology means that getting a glass of clean water takes almost as little thought and effort as taking a breath of air. Not having to consider access to this most basic human need grants us a great deal of peace that most are not even aware of (self included). While there are still plenty of needs to worry about now and in the future, knowing that my family and I will always have clean water to drink, seemingly forever, is something I am incredibly grateful for.

While preparing for this project, I find myself overly concerned with the details. What if I don't have access to the internet? What if I'm in the middle of my workday and can't stop for two minutes to drink and stream? What if, what if...  Addressing and understanding this underlying worry is one of the main intents of the #streamforwells challenge. By creating some inconvenience in my life surrounding water, I hope my personal compassion for others and willingness to sacrifice will grow.