Another busy weekend day has me thinking about what it means to be "busy". Often the word is attached with a negative connotation, or the idea that we don't have enough time to do everything we want.

In reality, we often choose to pack our schedule full of all the things that we want to do, and the busyness is a creation of our own.  We also have the luxury of choosing to do less if we desire.  If we were having to travel a great distance to gather water, odds are we wouldn't be able to be "busy".  Our lives would already be consumed by a task that most of us take for granted.

The holidays tend to be a busy time for many. Between shopping, family gatherings, and community events, it's easy to pack our schedules to the brim with activities and obligations of our choosing.  I hope you will take a moment to think on your personal busyness the holiday season, and be grateful that it is a choice that you get to make for your life, not one that is forced upon you.

Who like water?!

Cover Photo by unsplash-logoKaren Lau