Day Eight and I'm keeping it simple. We got a week under our belts with a little more than three weeks to go. For day 8 I really wanted to just share a simple trick for donating to charity: water, or really any charity of your choice, without spending any extra money! It's simple, when doing your christmas shopping (or any shopping for that matter), instead of navigating to your usual Amazon homepage, head to to   This site is an official amazon site, that will donate a portion of the money you spend to a charity of your choice! Charity: water is an available option from the list, and while I hope you choose it, you can also choose any nonprofit that sparks your interest.

I look at this as a simple way, a little action, that doesn't impact your finances, that you can still make a difference. My family spends a lot of money on Amazon every year, for both basic month to month necessities, as well as gifts and big purchases. Give back this season (and hopefully forever!) by using the link.

Challenge updates! First I wanted to share this video that I thought was funny. The Facebook app has been randomly crashing on me, and I wasn't sure if I was live or not:

It was a weird day. In that weird mode where you are still sick, but the drugs got your feeling OK.  I took it easy, tried to rest, and do a little bit of work so I didn't get too far behind.  Overall, I'm enjoying the challenge, and will not have a problem finishing. I've been thinking about how I want to try and transition at the end of the challenge. I will continue raising money for 10 days or so beyond the end of the challenge, but I'd like to see how I can keep raising awareness and money for charity: water even when this is all done.

If you have ideas, let me know!

And finally, who wants to watch me drinking water (and Diet Dr. Pepper)?

Cover Photo by unsplash-logoA L L E F . V I N I C I U S Δ